Project Information
In 2019, OCM prepared the Industrial Licence Review application for the Knockharley Landfill in County Meath to increase the annual waste intake to 440,000 tonnes; accept and process incinerator bottom ash, develop a biological treatment plant and accept stable non-reactive hazardous waste.
Jim O'Callaghan was an expert witness at the Bord Pleanála Oral Hearing on the associated Strategic Infrastructure Development Planning Application held in 2020. Planning permission was granted and a decision on the Review Application is pending.
In 2020, OCM prepared an Industrial Licence Application for a new Materials Recovery Facility and Civic Amenity Area being developed by Valcroft, trading as Mr Binman, at Dock Road in Limerick. The application sought approval for the acceptance and processing of 90,000 tonnes of wastes.
In 2022, OCM prepared Industrial Emissions Review Applications for;
- The Ormonde Organics Biological Treatment Plant in Portlaw, County Waterford.
- The Starrus Eco Holdings Ltd Composting Plant in Littleton County Tipperary.
- The Eras Eco Ltd Anaerobic Digestion Plant in Youghal, County Cork.
- The Starrus Eco Holding Ltd Materials Recovery Facility at Cappagh Road, Finglas.
In 2022, OCM completed a Tier 3 Assessment of a former municipal landfill in Whitegate, County Clare on behalf of Clare County Council.