Running a successful environmental consultancy
since 1997
O'Callaghan Moran & Associates (OCM) is an Irish owned multi-disciplinary environmental and hydrogeological consultancy. OCM was established in 1997 in Cork and has successfully completed a wide range of environmental projects throughout Ireland, the UK and Europe.

From our offices in Cork we provide consultancy and support services to public and private sector organisations throughout Ireland. Our business model is based on meeting client specific needs in a cost effective manner. To do this we have established teaming arrangements with specialist environmental service providers that allows us to provide a full service capability on a wide range of environmental projects.
Our staff includes Geologists, Hydrogeologists, Environmental Scientists and Geographic Information System Specialists.
Jim O'Callaghan M.Sc is joint Managing Director and leads the Waste Management and Environmental Assessment Team. He is Chartered Waste Manager, a Chartered Environmentalist and a Registered Principal Environmental Auditor (IEMA).
He has 33 years experience of environmental and waste management services including the preparation of planning and waste licence applications and review applications for waste management facilities; completion of environmental due diligence assessments and regulatory compliance audits, completion of environmental liability risk assessments at industrial at waste management facilities; investigation of contaminated land, report preparation and communication with stakeholders.
Sean Moran M.Sc is joint Managing Director and leads the Hydrogeology and Contaminated Land Assessment Team. He, is a Professional Geologist, a founder member of the Institute of Geologists of Ireland and Chartered Member of the Institute of Water and Environmental Management.
He has 31 years experience in Environmental Consultancy having worked in the USA in the late 1980s and 1990s before returning to Ireland and establishing OCM with Jim O'Callaghan in 1997. He has extensive Project Management experience in Environmental Consultancy including, the investigation and assessment of contaminated land and groundwater at industrial and brownfield sites, hydrogeological assessments at national, regional and local level,the design and implementation of soil and groundwater remediation programmes, Preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment Reports, Waste Classification and management for large Scale commercial and Infrastructural Projects.
Martina Gleeson holds a PhD in Geochemistry and has 17 years experience in environmental consultancy. She has experience in the preparation of Waste Licence and Waste Permit applications for Materials Recovery and Transfer facilities. Project Management of Environmental Monitoring Programmes for OCM public and private sector clients regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency and various local authorities.
Austin Hynes holds an M.Sc in Geology and has five years experience in environmental consultancy including hydrogeology, geology, contaminated land and geotechnical investigation for both private and public clients. Experienced in software such as ArcGIS, MapInfo, WinLOG, Surfer, AutoCAD and Microsoft Access.
Neil Sandes has a B.Sc in Geology and has sixteen years' experience in environmental consultancy. Project Manager for OCM Groundwater Monitoring Programmes for IPPC, IED and Waste management facilities throughout Ireland. Supervision of hydrogeological, geotechnical and contaminated land intrusive site investigations. Groundwater resource management including desktop studies, groundwater pilot and production well installations and pump testing of individual well and multiple well fields. Completion of environmental monitoring and analysis of groundwater, soils, surface water, waste and landfill gas for IPPC and waste licensed sites. Completion of soils, geological and hydrogeological sections of EIS reports for proposed developments. Design and implementation of remediation strategies for impacted soils and groundwater.
Marzena Nowakowska has a B.Sc & M.Sc in Hydrogeology and has Fourteen years experience in Environmental Consultancy, Surveillance and operational groundwater monitoring programmes; Catchment Management monitoring programmes, Groundwater Mapping Programmes and Groundwater Well drilling supervision.