Project Information
Since 2013 OCM has been part of the team commissioned by the EPA to monitor the quality of groundwater sourced public water supplies across Ireland. In the 2022 programme OCM is responsible for monitoring supply sources in Clare, Cork, Galway, Kilkenny, Limerick, Mayo, Tipperary and Waterford.
Between 2013 and 2022 OCM completed Tier 1, 2 and 3 Risk Assessment of Closed Landfills for Local Authorities in Cork, Clare, Laois, Kilkenny, Tipperary, Westmeath. The assessments are in accordance with Environmental Protection Agency Guidance (Code of Practice (CoP) for Unregulated Waste Disposal Sites 2007). OCM was a member of the Steering Committee that developed the CoP Guidance.
OCM completed Tier III Hydrogeological Risk Assessments including Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessments (DQRA) for the Benduff, Deryconnell and Kinsale Road landfills in Cork in 2013 and 2015. OCM completed Tier III Risk assessments and DQRAs for Industrial Emission licensed Dairygold facilities in Cork 2015/2017; Premier Periclase in Louth 2016 and at the BASF Facility in Cork in 2022.
In 2022, OCM completed a groundwater resource assessment at the site of a proposed distillery in County Waterford. It comprised a background information review, site inspection and a 72 hour pump test of an-on site well. The test data was evaluated to establish the sustainable yield, define the well's zone of contribution (ZOC) and determine the impacts on other wells located in the area.
In 2022 OCM completed a hydrological and hydrogeological assessment of a proposed extension to a cemetery in Ahane, County Kerry. This included a background information search and intrusive investigations to establish the ground conditions and the depth to the water table. The results were used to develop a Conceptual Site Model and complete a Source-Pathway-Receptor risk assessment. Between 2015 and 2017 OCM completed similar assessments on behalf of Kerry County Council in Lixnaw, Knockeenduff and Kilmoyley.